Thursday, December 2, 2010


Yesterday we took the boys to see Santa. Philip lead us to believe he was excited about this, after weeks of us giving him prep talks about the big day. We were hopeful that he would surprise us and actually sit on  Santa's lap and tell him what he wanted for Christmas (Bigfoot and a Woody doll), as he had been saying just that since we told him he was going to get to see Santa.

Ummm.... not so much.

And that was the best shot.

On the plus side, Andrew did great!

You've gotta love this age. He had no idea he was even sitting on someone's lap. All he knew was mommy was off to his right making big goofy faces at him. I only regret not taking Philip when he was Andrew's age for his first Christmas (I had all of these silly first time mom worries about germs--ha!)--that might have been our only shot at a picture of  a smiling Philip sitting on Santa's lap! ;-)

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